• ‘Ghost castle’ returns as ‘Castello dei Medici’

Ghosts galore! The haunted castle in Germany's largest theme park, a classic in the Italian themed area, finally opened its doors again on 25 July!


The popular family attraction, which opened back in 1982, has not lost any of its charm, but has been completely redesigned under the supervision of Charles Botta. In the new ‘Castello dei Medici’, Lorenzo, whose story is based on the historical figure from the Italian Renaissance ‘Lorenzo de’ Medici’, is up to mischief and provides plenty of spooky moments.

Guests are transported through the palace in small gondolas, with ghostly voices and ghoulish figures everywhere. Visitors can look forward to familiar scenes and new spooky fun. In addition, Lorenzo, whose story is based on the historical figure of the early Italian Renaissance ‘Lorenzo de’ Medici’, is now up to mischief.

It tells the story of Lorenzo's rise to power, which is brought to an abrupt halt by the treacherous Pazzi family. Lorenzo seeks revenge and comes into possession of an ancient stone tablet with strange symbols and meaningful writings. The text, written in an unknown language, promises immortality to anyone who follows its instructions. Lorenzo organises his entire everyday life around following this plan. During the four-minute ride in the dark ride, guests find out what he experiences and whether he will manage to escape death in the end. MACK Solutions is responsible for the storytelling, which impresses with special effects, projections and illustrations.